Sunday, July 25, 2010

Chapter 2

Chapter two spoke to me as much as the first. In this Chapter the author tells of a trip to Bosnia where they met a community of women who had no clean underwear for themselves or their children. Such a small, simple request. The next time they visited these women they all had clean underwear. In meeting the physical they were able to minister to the spiritual needs of these women.

If you've read my past blogs you know I too have been one of these women. I have needed a roof over my head, food to eat, clothes on my back and a bed to sleep in. I have not been so destitute that I needed clean underwear but I now understand the needs. Telling me Jesus loves me is one thing but I can't hear you when I am worried about where my child's next meal is going to come from.

In all that my family and I have been through the past year and a half I feel as though I am Naomi (in the book of Ruth). This book parallels the life of Naomi as she too embraces her second calling. I feel like God is preparing me for something great...I just have to keep my faith and know that there is a plan.

Chapter 3: What Really Counts

My Free Book from Booksneeze!

Okay, okay, so I got my book several months ago but I have to be honest. When I picked out the title I didn't pay much attention to what the book was actually about. When my book came in the mail for me to read I was puzzled and drug my feet to getting it read. I just decided to go ahead and read it and give an honest review, regardless of whether or not it applied to my life or not. My book is called, "Embracing Your Second Calling: Find Passion and Purpose for the Rest of Your Life" What?? I'm only 30. Little did I know that as I read the first chapter of this book, this book definitely applies to me. It urges you to find purpose in your life and listen to God's calling for you. It has helped me to kind of take a step back and embrace my aging (something I often struggle with). At the end of Chapter 1, there is a prayer written. I'd like to share it with you as it has spoken to my heart.

"Lord, I'm sorry to whine but I feel a bit sorry for myself.
I miss who I was, and I'm not enjoying this process of
aging very much right now. Help me to listen less to the
messages about fading beauty and more to your call to
my heart. Thank you for my health, and forgive me for
taking it for granted for all these years."

Chapter 2: Getting Personal.
I wonder what God has in store for me in this chapter?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Long Time, No See

Well, its been a while. I have been so busy trying to keep it all together...and failing miserably. Here's an update.

Shortly after my last post we had gone to court because we were being sued for back rent. Rent we couldn't pay on time but kept paying everything we had. Josh's work had slowed down and every penny went to keeping him working. No groceries, no other bills got paid. When we left court the representative from the Landlord's told us they were more than willing to work with us.

About 3 weeks later Josh got a new job! He started in two weeks! Yea! Then we got a notice that we had to be out of our 'home' in 24 hours. We grabbed everything we could and stored it at Josh's dad's house. We quickly ran out of room. We moved into an extended stay hotel. Because we couldn't grab everything anything that was left was placed out on the curb. We had grabbed Joel's stuff, Addy's clothes and some toys, and we also grabbed necessary furniture (crib, our bed, dressers, etc.) What we couldn't grab was stolen. Including my wedding dress, my kitchen stuff, Joel's DS, and a couple pieces of furniture.

We pressed on knowing that God would take care of us. After 3 weeks in the hotel we couldn't pay that anymore either. We found an apartment (not an ideal place for raising two kids but it would do). Once again, we are starting over.