Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A good day??

Today was one of rare good days. This morning he started to get upset because I didn't have any bread for toast. I told him we would go to the store and get something for lunch and breakfast. We got to the store and I asked him to get out of the car and again, he got upset. I had to show him that we were at the store and we were going to pick out something for breakfast and lunch.

I very rarely allow him to eat lunchables but today he wanted a lunchable. He chose a ham and cheddar lunchable. I was nervous about it but allowed it anyways. He chose yogurt pretzels for breakfast. (vs. donuts? oh yeah! sure thing problem)

We got to school and he was a perfect fits, no problems. When he got to computers today I asked his teacher how he's been. Usually by now, when he's had a morning that's out of the norm, he's had a fit or two. She even told me that he had been the best behaved all morning (out of his whole class). : O <--------Shocked face

I went on and met with my Family Facilitator from Hand in Hand. She helped me figure out what my next step would have to be.

When I got back to the school to pick him up he had taken a nap, and he showed me his new boo boos. He fell down on the playground and scraped his knee. He fell down on the playground, PLAYING WITH OTHER BOYS!

So now here's what I'm thinking: Are his behaviors a result of my bad parenting? I know that there's definitely something going on with him, as we are unable to predict his behavior...but did I do it to him?

1 comment:

  1. Amy,

    Please, please, please, never doubt yourself as a mom. You're a great mom and not a bad parent. There is often inconsistancy in the behavior of children with development and behavioral disorders. My Kate can go two or three days in a row with "normal" behavior, if you saw her these days you wouldn't be able to tell she had special needs, then something will happen and she is on the ground curled up in a ball screaming about how no one loves her and she might as well just die.

    Joel had a good day! Embrace it, cherish it, and gird your loins for tomorrow.

    Much love,

