Sunday, April 18, 2010

Weekend blur

This weekend I was anticipating a bad one. It rained all weekend long. We usually try to go somewhere during the weekend to fight off cabin fever. Of course the act of going somewhere is a tricky one. We can't differ from our usual routine much without much notice and preparation. We also have to think about Joel's anxiety level, as well as my own. Due to past behaviors I find that my anxiety level is quite high when we are out in public. I never know what will set him off.

Our Saturday started off like any other. He wakes up and comes to my room, if he isn't already in there. He wakes me up. If it is before 8:00 am, I suggest he watch TV, quietly, as he waits for 8am. At 8, I get out of bed and we go get him 'chocolate milk'. This helps get his blood sugar up so that I can avoid any unnecessary fights. He plays/watches TV, plays on the computer, or helps with Addy. This Saturday I had a lot of chores to do so he had his choice of what to do. He had a pretty good morning and early afternoon. We went to the church/school to check on our Chrysalises. We then went to the store to grab one thing then back home to cook dinner and to work on cleaning his room, which he did with minimal complaining. In fact, no complaints. So out of character for him.

That night, after dinner he started complaining about his body hurting. I thought he was complaining about his boo boos on his knees. (He had fallen this week). Later he came and snuggled on the couch with me and I realized he had a fever. He told me that his knees couldn't bend. This reminded me of a time when I was about 5 or 6. My parents went out for New Year's Eve. Sherry, my sister, was babysitting. My knees were hurting all night and eventually got to the point where I couldn't bend them. She kept yelling at me because she thought I was being lazy when I wouldn't bend over to clean up. By the time my parents' got home I had to be taken to the Emergency Room. It turned out to be an Ear infection that had gone to my knees. So...Joel's temperature still isn't very high so we will have to call the doctor Monday morning.

Sunday was pretty low key. We stayed home from church since Joel still wasn't feeling well and Addy started to cough again. We got a lot done. Half the laundry got done, bathrooms got clean, and floors got mopped.

Now...what will this week bring?

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