Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My "Perfect" Day

So tonight after dinner, a dinner that Joel actually ate, I was thinking about how great today was. The baby was content and playing quietly in the floor, Joel was sitting next to me talking to me about this and that, quite honestly I wasn't listening too intently until I heard him say 'chicken goes bauk bauk (not sure how to spell this...forgive me.) This phrase was the same one I have heard over and over for the past couple of days. You see, every week there's a different phrase. Who knows what it will be next week. Josh calls to let me know he's on his way home. I get excited because the kids hardly ever get to see him when the sun is still up. Josh gets home, eats dinner, and as we are sitting there I decided maybe we should take a walk. They usually venture out on walks without me since the baby is almost always fussy this time of night. So we get our shoes on, grab the stroller and off we go. We are all enjoying ourselves, and get just to the other side of the hill (not even a block away) when Joel starts to freak out. He couldn't see the house. I told him we were going to walk around the block (3/4 mile) and Mommy and Daddy and Addy were all going to go. Josh offered to put him on his shoulders and that did the trick. Once we got moving again he started to whine and cry again but since he was being carried we kept walking as we talked. I decided to play I Spy to distract him. This worked until Daddy spied a fire hydrant. Joel once again got upset pleading with us not to touch the hydrant. So we walked around it and further on down the road. As I walked I started to pray. God, please help me help him. Give me guidance, give me strength, and give me wisdom. As we passed a truck that was parked on the side of the road I saw its bumper sticker. Autism awareness. It seems lately that every time I start to doubt my suspicions, I run into someone with some form of autism. There was the time I ran into the facebook friend, someone at work was talking about her sister but couldn't remember the name of the diagnosis (PDD NOS-the same thing I suspect Joel of having). I prayed again and asked God "are you sending me these messages or am I more aware of these things?" I have always been a supporter of autism awareness. It is one of those things that I believe needs our support, and prayer, so we can find a cause and try to find prevention for it, if possible.

Our next step now is to pray and wait. Let me be honest...this part sucks, but I guess its growing pains, right?

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